Thursday 5 April 2012

20 years since the war in Bosnia

CBC radio's Ideas is marking twenty years since the war in Bosnia. Tito is mentioned often. He saw ethnic nationalism as a problem to be eradicated. But when he died in 1980, ethnic nationalism came back. The war was the result of what had been released upon Tito's death. On Tuesday, on CBC radio's The Current, they talked to the widows made by the Serbs. They also talked to the women who were raped by Serbs. Because the women were living in a war zone, they were not able to get the hospital for an abortion. (The same radio program revealed that the Croats had built an underground tunnel because the city of Sarajevo was completely sealed off.) They ended up having children that had been created by rape. One mother didn't want to see the baby she gave birth to. Another kept the daughter that rape had given her. But, naturally, the mother didn't want to tell her daughter that she was not her father's daughter. (Her father had not been murdered by the Serbs.) Someone at her church asked her why she said she was Croat when everyone else knew that she wasn't her father's daughter.

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